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Starting the Journey

I worked my butt off in high school, and then I worked my butt off in college. I cared very little about anything except grades and jobs. I ...

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Starting the Journey

I worked my butt off in high school, and then I worked my butt off in college. I cared very little about anything except grades and jobs. I wanted to be the best in my classes and the best in my field of study. This made everything into a competition and a scramble to the top. Towards the end of college, I started gaining a lot of weight, and due to different living arrangements, stress, and out-of-whack priorities, I was eating crap all day, every day, exercising very little, and sleeping even less.

After college this pattern continued and even got worse. I was gaining and gaining weight, making every excuse in the book not to exercise, and focusing only on career success, to the detriment of any other area of my life that needed attention. I was grumpy, suffered from unexplainable anxiety, and was constantly tired and stressed out. And all by the time I was 25!

I knew what it took to get healthy (all my life I had learned about natural medicine and healthy eating), but I was looking for a quick fix to get healthier and happier without putting in the effort. Of course, nothing I tried worked.

Throughout the last few months, I had what some might call a quarter-life-crisis. I was miserable at my job, I was burned out in my Master's program, I was still overweight and lethargic, and I saw no escape. This rock bottom forced me to do some serious soul searching, and in that process, it seemed like lots of little pieces started falling into place for a total life renovation.

I found a little book that seriously flipped my thinking. Wellth by Jason Wachob inspired both my husband Jacob and me to seriously examine each part of our life and make changes to ensure development in all of them. Small changes that we have made have already yielded some positive results!

The journey is just beginning, and of course we are not perfect (hell we are pretty new to all of this), but I invite you to follow my Chronicles of Wellness and hopefully it will encourage or inspire someone who was in my shoes to examine their life and make changes that will nurture their mind, body, and spirit.

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