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Monday, June 6, 2016

A Week on Whole30 Can Feel Like a Lifetime

Today I have officially been on the Whole30 for a week and kind of feels like a lifetime. I have made to much progress in figuring out what I can have and what is non-compliant as well as how to make a delicious meal out of ingredients I never would have chosen myself. I have never tried snow peas, but this week I bought snow peas, ate them, and loved them. I will absolutely buy them again. I discovered cauliflower rice and fell in love. I made the best salmon of my life. Nothing in my refrigerator went bad. I ate leftover stir-fry, and that alone is a groundbreaking event.

Each day has brought a unique challenge, which has also made this week feel like a lifetime kind of an iffy way.

Day1 (Tuesday): Terrible. The food we spent so long preparing was inedible, and I was in a "what-on-God's-green-earth-did-we-agree-to" panic. I thought to myself that I would not make it, and I was terrified that I would fail at this challenge. By the end of the night, I started feeling motivated again because of the newness of the program, but that fear of failure and panic were definitely present.

Day 2 (Wednesday): We went crazy at Whole Foods. Jacob and I both felt desperate to both complete the program and not be miserable eating disgusting food the whole time, so we did some research on brands of different foods, particularly sauces, that are compliant. We found very few, but they do exist! We closed our eyes to prices and called it an investment in our health and confidence. We came home feeling a little poorer but quite a bit more jazzed for what the month had to offer. We decided to abandon the recipes in the Whole30 book and think of compliant recipes that are more suited to our tastes. Jacob did experience his "Whole30 Hangover" on this day, but it was fairly minor. 

Day 3 (Thursday): A normal feeling day without a food-related crisis. We made our meals and ate them and were happy about it. We were excited and found ourselves talking about how good we felt about making the decision to start this crazy challenge and how excited we are to be in control of what we are eating, instead of our sugar-addicted brains. 

Day 4 (Friday): I thought I would die on Friday. My "Whole30 Hangover" hit me like a sledge hammer. I was in bed almost all day with insane sweats, headache, back and shoulder pain, nausea, and (ahem...) digestive issues. I have never experienced symptoms so severe without having a serious illness or stomach bug, but I believe now it was a symptom of sugar withdrawal. It's kind of sick how reliant on sugar my body was. 

Day 5 (Saturday): Saturday is when we fell into a groove, and we haven't stopped. It is easier now than ever to envision compliant meals out of a pile of ingredients. I was excited to think about combining flavors and make every one of our own meals from scratch. 

Day 6 (Sunday): Sunday felt normal too. I hadn't noticed a lot of change in body or mind, except for a strong metallic taste in my mouth. After doing some research, I believe this was a signal that my body has gone into Ketosis. This sounds absolutely horrible, but it is actually just a state where the body begins using fat for fuel instead of sugar. That means fat is burning!

Day 7 (Monday): Today I thought a lot about cake, cookies, and brownies. For some reason, my brain just goes there. I did find out today that I am allergic to bell peppers. This was somewhat of a surprise and also somewhat expected. I have always hated the smell of bell peppers, and I have never really wanted to eat them. I have always wanted to want to eat them, so in recent years I have started just going for it. Finding out now that they don't agree with my body solidifies the need for me to listen to my body and trust my instincts. 

I am thrilled to see where this challenge will take Jacob and I, and we are taking one day at a time. So far, so good! The next hurdle I plan to tackle is maintaining the program while spending less time. We have been spending a ridiculous and unsustainable amount of time prepping food and planning meals. But, right now, at this moment, I truly feel I could continue this plan well past 30 days. 

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